Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Mahons Poetry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mahons Poetry - Essay Example In this paper, I will investigate how Mahon revives these standard, ordinary items. I will take a gander at how Mahon goes past only giving them human attributes (for instance speaking to our visual sense and making something 'look' human); it is imperative to likewise show how Mahon causes us to accept that they have emotions, and can encounter various sounds and structure decisions, much the same as we can. 'Table Talk' is interesting on the grounds that it discusses a household item with a past: When I was pine and lived in a cool atmosphere. This table being referred to isn't the focal point of Mahon's consideration since it looks or sounds in someway human; it has a history, similar to individuals. The table can recall when it was a tree, and the cutting apparatus medical procedure it suffered so as to change into furniture. It aches to move once more, no uncertainty in the breeze of its common habitat. In an increasingly essential endeavor to embody the table at that point, Mahon advances to our faculties (visual and sound-related, just as kinesthesia-the sentiment of action).1 He discusses the table needing to move,/to frighten your jeans away. When we consider something with human characteristics, we consider something that looks and acts in manners that are in a general sense human (like talking, eating and for this situation, moving). Numerous artists will say, for example, Wordsworth, that daffodils move in the breeze, or that the crying of an old entryway could be depicted as an elderly person shrieking. Once in a while however does representation go past this. Mahon then again requests to our capacity to think, feel, recall and experience circumstances. We identify with the torment that the composing table has endured and the thoughts that it has. 'Morning Radio' is diverse to 'Table Talk' in the way that the lifeless thing being referred to isn't enduring in the manner that the composing table is, the radio is showing progressively basic human characteristics, as we examined previously. The radio has a fretwork throat, and through this he 'addresses' the individuals who will tune in. The Radio is utilized by Mahon as vehicle for transmitting wonderful music: Woodwinds entering/carefully, and perusing the every day news. Ostensibly this sonnet is a 'more straightforward' case of Mahon's embodiment aptitudes, the 'he's' in the sonnet could be a reference to the radio, and the way that he talks gives it a human quality.I feel that it is conceivable to see 'Morning Radio' as a less difficult rendition of 'Table Talk,' however I believe that there is significantly more to 'Morning Radio' than that. On the off chance that we take a gander at what Mahon discusses in this sonnet, the seven o'clock news, that the world is reaching a c onclusion, and another day starting, we can start to see an example. Mahon's Radio discussions about the changing and new world (the news, distress and fresh starts); he is alluding to various parts of human life. So for what reason does he do this I imagine that Mahon does this to make 'he'- the Radio, yet rather he utilizes the Radio to make us question our lives. By referencing the news and delightful music, he is utilizing the Radio to incite a response out of us. The way that he says WE in capitalized, I accept is another instrument that Mahon uses to make us consider the To be as an 'individual' who addresses us. Moreover however the WE is comprehensive and is routed to us the reader.Looking at the two sonnets at that point, what would we be able to state about the adequacy

Saturday, August 22, 2020

“Life of Frederick Douglas, an American Slave” Essay -- Literature Revi

The story article of the â€Å"Life of Frederick Douglas, an American Slave† portrays individual records Paul experienced as a slave. Savage and crooked treatment done to him by his lords offered him to a powerful urge to figure out how to peruse and write in any conceivable manner by being ingenious and be resolved to learn. Notwithstanding, Douglas communicated â€Å"I would now and again feel that figuring out how to peruse had been a revile rather a blessing† and â€Å"I begrudged my individual slaves for their stupidity† (4); wherein he laments learning and he additionally delineated why he considered information as a revile in light of the fact that he found out about opportunity didn't profit him by any stretch of the imagination. For my situation, I can likewise say I lament a few things I learned in the past that I know would made me more joyful in the event that I didn't scholarly them by any means. At age twelve, Douglas turned into a slave in the family unit of Mr. Hugh. Mrs. Auld was caring and circumspect when Douglas met her, since it was the first run through having a slave in the family. She even shown him the A B C’s yet Mr. Auld disallowed training him. Be that as it may, in the later piece of the story, she changes into a devilish special lady. Mr. Auld communicated â€Å"If you offer a nigger a bit of leeway, he will take an ell. A nigger should realize only to comply with his lord to do as he is advised to do. Learning would ruin the best nigger in the world† (1) and this disclosure was an eye opener of opportunity anticipates him. Mr. Auld tells his better half that if a slave was instructed to peruse, it will make Paul be not fulfilled and pitiful on the grounds that he will long for opportunity. Paul discovered that figuring out how to peruse is the way in to his opportunity. He was aching for opportunity since he was dealt with severely. I am so daz zled with the exertion he set forth figuring out how to peruse and be a decent essayist. Be that as it may, he laments learnin... ...exhibits that my experience didn't profit me from information since I felt upset that on the off chance that I have not known science, I would not question and my trust in God would not be in question. Our insight is a key to our prosperity and joy in our life to give us individual fulfillment. Information is power however not generally. Now and again our mindfulness and development as an individual gives us negative musings that make us need to return to fix it. Everybody needs to unlearn a section in our life that brought us torment and issues. Fortunate or unfortunate encounters brought by evident insight can be utilized for our self-acknowledgment, self-satisfaction and these encounters would make us more grounded as we stroll to the street of our purported â€Å"life†, however Douglas’s and my experience about information affirmed his conviction that â€Å"Knowledge is a curse†. The two of us felt disappointed and dismal from learning information.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Past Year Question Strategic Management Uitm

Jan 2012 Question 1 a) Some planner contended that one of the most basic, but then ignore inside usage factor is a firm’s culture. Characterize hierarchical culture and expound some significance and effect of culture in system usage. Apr 2011 Question 2 Discuss the three (3) phases of key administration process. Which stage in the key administration process is generally troublesome? Legitimize your answer. Apr 2010 Question 2 Explain the formal key administration process as indicated by David (2009).Describe the particular advances and connections between the means inside each procedure. Oct 2009 Question 2 a) Compare procedure detailing with methodology usage regarding each being a workmanship or science. b) Explain why authoritative structure is so significant in business today? Apr 2009 Question 1 b) The vital administration process comprises of three (3) principle stages. Clarify the five ( 5) segments in system definition process. Question 2 ) Explain any five (5) contras ts between procedure detailing and technique usage process. Oct 2008 Question 2 Successful technique definition doesn't ensure fruitful system execution. In this way numerous administration issues require the executives thoughtfulness regarding guarantee the adequacy of procedure usage. Distinguish and talk about any five (5) significant issues that identify with technique usage stage. Question 4 According to key administration model by Fred R.David, the procedure definition stage contain five (5) significant advances. Recognize and clarify the five (5) strides in the procedure detailing process. Oct 2007 Question 1 Discuss five (5) reasons why technique assessment is getting progressively troublesome with the progression of time. Oct 2006 Question 1 a) Define vital administration b) Describe the vital administration process. c) List two (2) budgetary advantages and two (2) nonfinancial advantages of key administration.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay Topics That Can Be Extremely Loud Or Incredibly Close

Essay Topics That Can Be Extremely Loud Or Incredibly CloseIf you want to write a really good essay, and are concerned about extremely loud and incredibly close essay topics, you need not worry. The key to a successful essay is an attention to detail and a willingness to do things right. Just make sure that you understand that there is no such thing as being too specific. There are only too general.If you are writing an essay for school, which involves writing on a class, you should be able to identify the classes you will be writing on for the whole topic. Also, depending on what class you are writing, you may want to get a copy of the class syllabus so that you can place the proper names and levels of the syllabus that you will be using in your essay. It is important that you do this for all subjects that are in your syllabus.Most of the time, unless you are very particular about the classroom you are studying in, you will want to get into some specific things and get away from gen eral topics. This can allow you to do your essay and also be more specific than most people, which can make it a lot easier.Before you get into the topic of extremely loud and incredibly close essay topics, there are some other things that you want to take care of. First of all, make sure that you are properly attired for the lecture or discussion, because if you are not dressed to the nines, then you are going to be doing a lot of talking and reading in the topic. Also, make sure that you are properly seated and that you are ready to write your essay.In addition to the fact that you should have a nice outfit for the class, you also want to try to find an interesting topic. You don't want to be putting something in the topic that is not going to be interesting to the people who are going to read the topic. You want to put something in that is interesting to them and if possible, a little bit controversial.When you are trying to do extremely loud and incredibly close essay topics, it is important that you do not forget about grammar. It is even more important when you are discussing controversial issues, since if you miss a couple of letters, then that is going to change the entire impression of the topic. Do not be afraid to get spelling mistakes corrected, because when you are writing the topic, it is really important that you do not miss any words.As with most topics, if you do not take the time to do your research, you will probably end up with an intense topic that will not be worth the time and trouble. Take the time to do your research and also make sure that you do not forget about the grammar and spelling.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science Essay

An important field in computer science today is artificial intelligence. The novel approaches that computer scientists use in this field are looked to for answers to many of the problems that have not been solved through traditional approaches to software engineering thus far. One of the concepts studied and implemented for a variety of tasks in artificial intelligence today is neural networks; they have proven successful in offering an approach to some problems in the field, but they also have some failings. Traditional neural networks, which â€Å"learn† by changing the values, or weights, contained at nodes in a directed graph, suffer from several issues that make actually applying them to a given problem difficult and unwieldy. They†¦show more content†¦One way to demonstrate the abilities of DANs is to use a DAN to solve a difficult problem that computer scientists usually confront with more complex traditional neural networks. One such problem, and one that I hope to use DANs to solve, is automatic document classification. I will write a program harnessing a dynamic associative network to accomplish automatic document classification. In summary, the program will take a provided academic document within philosophy and, using a pre-trained DAN, classify the document into its correct location within an authoritative taxonomy of the field of philosophy. By accomplishing this task, the program will demonstrate that further research into dynamic associative networks is fruitful, while at the same time solving a real-world problem. 2 TECHNICAL APPROACH 2.1 PROBLEM DEFINITION The practical definition of the problem must begin with the work that Michael Zlatkovsky accomplished in 2007-2008: he created a back-end implementation of a dynamic associative network’s multi-node system and coded a node-network visualization that showed the internal workings of a DAN. This system could solve a few simple problems that neural networks are commonly tasked with, but suffered from a restricted internal structure. My project would add to the considerable work done byShow MoreRelatedComputer Science And Artificial Intelligence1712 Words   |  7 PagesComputer Science Computer science can be defined as a many number of technological variables, but is primarily defined as the science and processes of information processing in computer hardware and software, as well as its applications within. Computer science is comprised of many aspects that form a larger whole, that take a practical and theoretical approach to the capabilities of computers and how they process input and output information. With computers being conceived as early as the 1830’sRead MoreComputer Science And Artificial Intelligence901 Words   |  4 PagesIn the book â€Å"Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence† by the National Research council staff, and published by National Academies Press, they talk about the importance of Artificial intelligence in the department of defense, especially in this day and age. They talk about how AI could help increase national security while reducing the risk for humans in hostile environments (ch.2 pg. 14). Along with that, it states that if we could advance far enough, the goal is to entirely replace the needRead MoreArtificial Intelligence : Computer Science, California State University East Bay, Usa2549 Words   |  11 PagesName: Aleena Davy Net-ID: sw7839 Research: Artificial Intelligence in Computer Forensics Department of Computer Science, California State University East Bay, USA Abstract: Computer Forensics is crucial to solving computer related criminal investigations. The world has evolved a great deal in technology but this has led to the misuse of the resources as well. It is of utmost importance to be able to stop cyber attacks; however it is no easy task as the current forensic tools are not designedRead MoreSocial and Ethical Impact of Artificial Intelligence Essay examples1503 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is Artificial Intelligence? III Social and Ethical Issues Associated with Artificial Intelligence IV Part I Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence IV Part II Advantages IV Part III Disadvantages IV Ethical Impact of Artificial Intelligence V Conclusion VI Bibliography VII Introduction As our world expands through the growing abilities and applications of computers in our everyday lives, it seems that the role of the computer hasRead MoreEssay about Social And Ethical Impact Of Artificial Intelligence1370 Words   |  6 Pages Introduction As our world expands through the growing abilities and applications of computers in our everyday lives, it seems that the role of the computer has been reversed. Before we knew that the computer only understood what we programmed it to understand; however, now the majority of our society is learning more from computers than they are able to input into it. Dumm (1986 p.69) History The human aspiration to create intelligent machines has appeared in myth and literature forRead MoreHow The Society Values Computer Technology1716 Words   |  7 PagesName: Tubonemi Emmanuel Tamunobelema. Matric No: NS160014. Computer and the Society How the Society values Computer Technology Question: Google SDK/Artificial-Intelligence: Is it Good or bad? Table of Content 1.0 Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦1 1.1 My theory†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦2 1.2 Respondents opinions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦5 2.0 Summary and Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..10 Figures Fig 1.2.0 Do you interact with artificial intelligent systems? .................................Read MoreImportance Of Artificial Intelligence1409 Words   |  6 Pagessome of the most famous science fiction writers, artificial intelligence ( AI) is taking root in our everyday lives† ( Science Fiction to Reality 1). Artificial Intelligence is a machinery which includes network and a probabilistic model. Artificial intelligence is the computer that can now spontaneously translate spoken and written conversation. It can also recognize and accurately cations photos, identify faces and can be your personal assistant. Artificial intelligence has specific technologiesRead MoreArtificial Intelligence In Technology1612 Words   |  7 Pages â€Å"The increasing use of artificial intelligence in technology will transform our societies for the worse.† Module: FC-503 Tutor Name: Assessment type: Essay Student Number: T0061516 Word Count: The theme of the 2017 Summer Davos meeting was about the fourth revolution of science and technology and artificial intelligence was undoubtedly one of the main topics discussed by people. From driving interactive voice with nobody to Alphago defeat the invincible chess champion Ke Jie (GibneyRead MoreArtificial Intelligence Essay1019 Words   |  5 PagesArtificial Intelligence Introduction Today, people are interacting more and more with computers. Life is running at a microchip speed. If all computers are stopped for a day, complete civilization comes to a halt! Fifty years ago, this mightve been a science fiction, but today it is a reality. Further, with Computers being embedded in all of our life accessories like mobiles, watches, cars, even our bodies and brains there is no indication that this microchipRead MoreHow Ai Can Bring On A Second Industrial Revolution1360 Words   |  6 Pagesfaster and more intelligent, what I talking about is artificial intelligence, or AI. I think that in the next two decades, this will be the most influential development trend and driving force in society. What is AI Artificial intelligence (AI), also known as machine intelligence, refers to the intelligence produced by a system that is artificially manufactured. Often artificial intelligence refers to the intelligence achieved through ordinary computers. The term also refers to the study of such intelligent

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

America Needs The American Education System - 1392 Words

Since the release of the annual report by Program for International Student Assessment in December of 2010, many in the government and community are searching for ways to reform the American education system to give American students a greater opportunity to succeed. According to the report, one cannot ignore the fact that American students are not testing as high academically as other nations in the world. There are many contributing elements that have brought America to her knees in the education system, however, the obsession with standardized testing is found to be more of a stumbling block than a stepping stone in the education system. To understand how to rectify the problem, we must look at all the facts presented to us, compare†¦show more content†¦It may change from time to time as they build upon their strengths and face their weaknesses; however, education is the key to allow changes to be implemented and for children to grow and become part of society. Throughout his political career, Thomas Jefferson advocated for a free basic education provided to the American people. He believed that an education would lead men and women to the ability to be self-governed and become positive contributors to society. Today, we can see how true this is by the examples of others. Those who are given the opportunity to expand their education are more likely to find jobs and develop skills that not only improve a community, but influence the economic growth of their nation. On the other hand, if an education is not provided to individuals, they can become a hindrance to that nation’s growth. With many in government and communities believing that education is the key to create a strong and independent country, public schools were formed in the early years of the United States to provide a basic education for citizens. Over the years it has been reformed to fill the needs of a growing nation. However, we are now facing a need to not only satisfy the need s of a national economy, but a world economy. Unable to fill positions that demand a high education, many American industries have to branch out to other countries in search for employees. Unless America is able to raise the education

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Assignment on Business in Global Context

Question: Write about the Assignment on Business in Global Context. Answer: Introduction: International trade between two or more competing nation depends on several factors like the comparative advantage of the nations, the existing scarcity in the volume of resources, the exchange rate between the nations and the political scenario of the same. The decision of conducting trade with partner countries includes a complex combination of several factors that exists both within the trading economies and outside them. Through this part we try to find out the existing problem that the nations worldwide are facing in conducting international trade. Discussion: According to an article published by Forbes, there are four factors that affect the free trade and become both economically and politically unviable (Dorfman, 2016). One of them is this might lead to an increase in the level of inequality with the nation. One nation may gain at the cost of others. Hence it is now opposed by various political parties in several regions in order to save their economy from falling into this inequality trap. According to the theory, it has been unanimously agreed by all economists that the global economy gains from the conduct of free trade. Recently it has been observed that this theory has been receiving criticism. The critics mentioned that the benefits are dispersed whereas the negative impacts are highly concentrated in particular regions. Often it has been observed that free trade creates joblessness as the country can import goods from other nations (McArdle, 2012). In addition, each economy tries to keep its exchange rate stable so that the trade takes place smoothly. It has been observed that keeping the exchange rate low increase the level of export and thereby increases trade balance (Gilpin. 2016). But this again creates a monetary injection in the society in the forms of foreign currency and henceforth increases inflation within the economy. Therefore, the political ruler always tries to maintain a subtle balance between the exchange rate and volume of trade. It has already been stated that the international trade depends on exchange rate. The reason behind this trade getting politically contentious in 2017 is that this exchange rate depends on inflationary pressure, interest rate and psychology of the market (Mansfield, 2015). There has been major political turmoil in the global economy back in 2008 and now with the global economy faced a turmoil regarding the stability of one of the trading giants, that is U.S. With the change of political power, there has been question regarding the stability of the nation in near future. In addition, the global economy also saw the exit of Britain from the trade agreement. Brexit has an overall impact in the global trade market and it questioned the stability of international trade. Conclusion: This topic can be wrapped up by stating that the nations needs to cautiously set its system of exchange rate into a floating one to avoid harsh consequences from trade fluctuation. Political contentious cropped up as a fact that the more competitive a business becomes, the lesser opportunity the investors gets to exploit other markets. In order to protect the nation and follow on with trade, there is need to have political stability within the nation and impose mutual restriction to certain levels to save both the parties from getting exploited by the other. References Dorfman, J. (2016).Forbes Retrieved 15 April 2017, from Gilpin, R. (2016).The political economy of international relations. Princeton University Press. Mansfield, E. D. (2015).The Political Economy of International Trade. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd.. McArdle, M. (2012).4 Politically Controversial Issues Where All Economists Agree.The Atlantic. Retrieved 15 April 2017, from

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Theme for English B- Langston Hughes Essay Example

Theme for English B- Langston Hughes Essay While writing a paper for his English class, Langston Hughes, the only African American in the class, explores equality in a stream of conscious, three paragraph poem. In â€Å"Theme for English B,† Hughes expresses that all races influence each other and should be treated and considered equal as Americans. Hughes discusses the similarities between the different races in America and writes his paper questioning if â€Å"its that simple† to overcome segregation issues. After telling of his African American background, Hughes tells of his interests and hobbies. He likes simple and universal things such as eating, sleeping, drinking, working, reading, and learning. Hughes shares his interests to show that his likes are not weird or different from a typical Whites interests. Hughes shows the similarities because he believes that if two men appear to be the same, they should be equal no matter the color of their skin. If both a Black and White man like to learn, they should equate each other and be able to obtain the same schooling, according to Hughes. Hughes also mentions he likes to â€Å"understand life. His paper discusses life and his understanding of Americans as a race in itself, without a color determining how â€Å"American† a person is. His want to understand life shows Hughes urge to think deeper than the superficial meaning of things. However, in reality, Blacks and Whites did not have the same social status, hence Hughes question â€Å"I wonder if its that simple† to achieve equality. Hughes continues on and allude s to his music selection to show his credibility on the subject of segregation. He listens to â€Å"Bessie, bop, or Bach. Hughes listening to Bessie Smith, a Blues singer, shows Hughes African taste in music while Bach, a German composer, shows Hughes well cultured side. Hughes not only likes typical music stereotyped with his race, but music that would be considered â€Å"White† or â€Å"higher class† music. Hughes interest in Bach conveys that Hughes is educated and making insightful comments on how he views society and its racial problems. Hughes music choice helps add credibility to his paper. Hughes simply questions why unnecessary segregation exists in America when all races intertwine. We will write a custom essay sample on Theme for English B- Langston Hughes specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Theme for English B- Langston Hughes specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Theme for English B- Langston Hughes specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Throughout the poem, Hughes familiarizes the races with one another. Hughes again intertwines races through his syntax in â€Å"I hear you: hear you, hear me we two you, me, talk on this page. † The repetition of words and consonants that sound alike causes the sentence to run together, as if to symbolize the different races â€Å"running together† as one. The syntax causes the reader to stumble and focus on the sentence. Hughes wants to show that he hears others and wants others to listen to him and the ideas he has. Both the Whites and himself â€Å"talk on [a] page† for this class and Hughes uses this to show the connection between the two. Hughes also says this to convey that the two races can â€Å"hear† each other. They do not speak different languages and can perfectly communicate with one another. Hughes shows the communication as another similarity between the two races, reiterating that the two should be equal. Hughes asks his teacher if his page will be colored like himself. He attempts to show his teacher the complications in ending segregation. Despite the fact that Hughes reveals all these truths about the similarities between the two races, his page will not be true and separation still exists. Hughes adds that his paper will â€Å"be a part of you, instructor,† telling his teacher that his paper has valuable lessons and significance. Hughes wants to influence his White teacher as a Black student, continuing the interracial learning as Hughes thinks this links â€Å"Americans† together and equal. The two races connect even though colors show differently. Hughes realizes that even though his page came â€Å"out of him,† it will not be true like his teacher said.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Do Prisons Help The Crime Wave essays

Do Prisons Help The Crime Wave essays Do prisons teach people to become worse criminals? Many people think that a prisoner is taught how to be a better criminal while in prison. Prisoners are integrated with people that have committed worse crimes than the ones that they have committed. The bigger and better criminals teach the others what they need to learn to survive prison life. There are many other aspects of prison that can make a prisoner worse than when he or she went in. Are prisons helping to stop the crime wave? For starters, prisons around the United States are extremely overcrowded. Wyoming is a good example of overcrowding in prisons. We have had to send a number of prisoners to Colorado because we have run out of room to keep them in Wyoming. The number of people sent to prisons were for drug offences more than violent crimes(). Some people are saying that making some drugs legal, such as marijuana, would decrease the number of prisoners drastically. There are also evidence that even though they are in prison, they can still buy and sell drugs. It has been found that 80% of drug offenders that have received sentences in New York have never been convicted of a violent felony or committed a violent crime. It was found that one in four drug offenders in prison was convicted of simple possession (Human Rights Watch). Are prisoners learning prejudice in prisons? There is evidence of this. Some civil rights organizations are calling for renewed scrutiny of the segregation policies of many state and federal prisons, charging that they inadvertently promotes growth of hatred and serve as recruiting grounds for supremacist groups. David Novak, a man who spent a year in a federal prison camp, said that it left an imprint of racial intolerance on him. He said he felt compassion for the three white murder suspects in the killing of James Byrd Jr. in Jasper, TX. Two of the three allegedly have made ties with white-supremacist gangs while they were...

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 19

Essay Example Scuba diving often assists in enabling shallow investigations. Earlier people used to restrain their breath while diving. In this way they used to hunt underwater creatures like fish. This was called free diving. Many competitions were also held around this theme. Accompanied with the technique of scuba diving the use of eco sounds helped in exploring the seabed. (Reed, 2009) Though men have interacted with the ocean since time immemorial, visual exploration of the seas were possible with the advent of scuba diving which made use of breathing apparatus to be carried for diving underwater. Helmet diving and diving bells in addition helped a diver to stay below the waters for long and explore the depths. These helped the scuba divers to adapt to the changes in the pressure and the physiology in order to hold back death. Thus scuba diving has a profound application in the world of marine science. The main idea is to carry self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) instead of depending upon air pumped from the water surface (Bhootra, n.d., p.96). Using breath-holding processes these divers manage to remain underwater for a long time. Thus apart from recreation, scuba diving’s application in different fields of science related to the marine world makes it an indispensable part of science and technology in the topical time with an ever-expanding knowledge base. Studying this area would be interesting especially with the aim of understanding its application in the world of science and discoveries. Dr. Lamberstein who was the pioneer of scuba diving apparatus initially built the LARU (Lambertsen Amphibious Respiratory Unit) and undertook the first close circuit scuba dive in New York. 12 dives were undertaken and Dr. Lamberstein during one of the dives underwent an attack of oxygen toxicity. The instruments

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Macroeconomic Objectives and Problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Macroeconomic Objectives and Problems - Essay Example During this period it was clear that UK has been relying on ever-increasing levels of debt from booth private and public sectors. Macroeconomic situation during from this period has been characterized with instability in economic growth as well as high inflation rates, which have caused a reduction in real incomes (HM Treasury, 2012). Due to increased inflation rates, UK’s macroeconomic situation has exhibited weakening recovery of the economy. Inflation as identified is attributed to the 40% rise in the oil prices. In addition, there has been increasing instability and uncertainty resulting from euro area crisis, which has so far resulted into reduced confidence amongst households and firms (HM Treasury, 2012). Consequently, this has continued to worsen the macroeconomic situation within the UK. Even though there have been serious adverse effects of the 2008-2009 financial crisis, UK’s economy grew by approximately 0.8% in 2011 (HM Treasury, 2012). With manufacturing o utput growing by 2.0%, the overall GDP unfortunately fell by approximately 0.2% in 2011 thereby indicating instability in the macroeconomic growth (HM Treasury, 2012). ... (pp. 8-15) what is the concept of "fiscal sustainability" and why is it important in the budget strategy? (pp. 7-9) how effective are current policies likely to be? (pp. 18-21) In order to attain the four main objectives of macroeconomic, full employment, stable economic growth, favorable balance of payments, as well as stability in general prices, the UK government develop various strategies. Some of the current macroeconomic strategies developed include (HM Treasury, 2012): Strategies for making public finances attain a sustainable position in addition to developing fiscal targets for the government. This strategy is to ensure that other than stability within the public finances, UK’s economy will have fiscal policies that are credible enough to provide or caution against low long-term interest rates. Activating monetary policies within the economy in order to meet inflation targets whiles also enhancing availability of credit to various individuals and business entities tha t amy wish to privately engage in investment. Carrying out reforms within the financial sector. Such reforms are aimed at building resilience of the financial system whilst ensuring that there is reduced risk to the taxpayers within the economy. Strategically reforming tax in order to make the economy a competitive place that attracts business entities. With such attraction, UK will have more business entities creating more employment opportunities in a bid to attaining full employment macroeconomic objective. Rebalancing and strengthening UK’s economy for future purposes thorough The Plab for Growth. This will include a more lucrative package for investment meant to not only boost economic growth but employment status of the nation. 3. What were the main fiscal measures

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Hand book customer service Essay Example for Free

Hand book customer service Essay Policies: policies (structure, use, focus, customer requirements/expectations, product and service knowledge, consultation, confidentiality, customer perceptions and satisfaction, monitor customer service and satisfaction, influences affecting implementation, effective communication) Quality of service: methods of assessment; customer expectations; standardised procedures; codes of practice; staff levels (staffing levels, staff competency, flexibility, reliability and responsiveness) Evaluation: purpose; sources of feedback; accuracy; relevance; reliability; validity; methods of data collection; improvements; staff training and development Hospitality industry: industries within the hospitality industry eg hotels, restaurants, pubs, bars and nightclubs, contract food service providers, hospitality services, membership clubs, events 2. Understand the purpose of promoting a customer-focused culture Communication: types eg verbal, non-verbal body language, written; types of response; use; effect Customer: central role; customer service culture; identifying and analysing customer requirements and expectations; influences of service provision on customer perceptions Benefits of improved service: customer satisfaction, repeat business, improved reputation, increased profit  3. Be able to investigate customer requirements and expectations Requirements: sources of information eg customers, staff, management, customer records, past information Module Handbook C. Ugoji Sept, 2013 Page 2 Unit Handbook Unit 4: The Customer Service Primary research: primary research eg sampling, qualitative, quantitative; interview eg individual, group, survey, observation; contact methods eg mail, telephone, personal Secondary research: internal eg sales records, yield data, financial information, client databases; external eg government publications, trade journals, periodicals, professional associations, national organisations, commercial data Satisfaction levels: planning; strategy; assessment of options using researched information; role of the business and services manager; staffing levels; motivating staff; improvements 4. Be able to provide customer service within business and services contexts to meet required standards  Types of customers: different age groups eg the elderly, children; different cultural backgrounds; special needs eg physically disabled; satisfied; dissatisfied; under influence eg drugs, alcohol, medication Customer needs: customer needs eg products and services, urgent, non-urgent, special requirements, quality of service, value for money, cultural, social; trends eg fashion, ergonomic, equipment, training, products and services, consumer protection legislation Customer service: consultation; advice; personal selling; complaints procedure; reception skills; confidentiality Learning Outcomes: To achieve this unit leaner must: 1. Understand customer service policies within business and services contexts 2. Understand the purpose of promoting a customer-focused culture 3. Be able to investigate customer requirements and expectations 4. Be able to provide customer service within business and services contexts to meet required standards. Teaching strategies used: Following are the different teaching and learning strategies, a description of how they work, where they have been applied, results, and where to find more information from individuals, books, web sites, and other resources. Lecture Notes The most basic way of supporting teaching in this module – a place for students to access lecture notes. The main advantages are reduction in the amount of college Module Handbook C. Ugoji Sept, 2013 Page 3 Unit Handbook Unit 4: The Customer Service photocopying and students can access notes prior to lecture and prepare themselves. Presenting Lectures Displaying these lecture notes with the addition of projectors using power point presentation slides to visualize the information to the students. An increasing variety of ways are utilizing to reach students of all different learning styles, to help the students to understand complicated concepts and remember them better by using master graphic tools both on whiteboard and on computers. Interactive Tutorials A set of questions have been designed for each session in assessing student learning of subject matter using both paper based and computer based assessment techniques. The web and web authoring  Students are directed to use the advanced search engine to navigate the correct and legitimate information for their assignment. Different search engines compile information using different criteria and have access to different databases. Applying technology to develop students higher order skills and creativity to manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment. Group Discussions The students will be give topics and some cases with the use of case study that relates to the topic covered in each session. There will also be a follow up on the discussion using group presentation and class assessment as the case may be. Summary of lecture For every session, there will be overall summary at the end teaching session. Attempting the passing criterion in class The student must attempt one or more learning outcome question covered in each session and the evidence will be documented

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Teaching Essay -- Pedagogy

Thus suggesting practitioners should embrace and accept the approach enabling them to â€Å"adopt learning strategies that embed the acquisition of knowledge and skills into meaningful context† (Macleod-Brudenell and Kay, 2008, p.311). Moss and Petrie (2002) support this concept by stating â€Å"pedagogy can be used to refer to whole domain of social responsibility for children, for their well-being, learning and competence† (p.138). Pugh and Duffy (2006) suggest a pedagogue is the one who leads and educates children’s learning. This effectively impacts upon children’s learning and enables them to become confident learners. As well as encouraging children to be in control of their own interests and learning (Every child matters, 2004). Allen and Whalley (2010) adopt Whalley, Allen and Wilson’s (2008) notion that the role of the practitioner is extremely significant and address the idea that effective pedagogy is about improving outcomes for children’s learning. Therefore in order to provide an effective provision for children to learn and grow in practitioners must be able to maintain positive interactions with the children. Allen and Whalley (2009) adopt Curtis and O’Hagan’s (2009, p. 156) concept that theorists such as Bruner and Vygotsky have influenced pedagogy by placing â€Å"emphasis upon the importance of the adult in facilitating children’s learning†. This promotes children’s learning. Good practice would be for the practitioners to try to extend and build upon the child’s knowledge by scaffolding their learning through ideas and questions (Bee and Boyd, 2007). Additionally, Allen and Whalley (2010, p.7) highlight the forth theme of the EYFS as â€Å"positive relationships†. Bruce (2008) resonates with the National strategies (2009) no... year. Partnership with parents provides the teachers to be able to get to understand the child’s family to gain a greater knowledge basis of the child’s needs. Curtis and O’Hagan (2009) illustrate that parents and teachers meet up throughout the school year to discuss any problems they or the children may be having. This is good practice as it ensures the practitioners are receiving all the information they can to help support the children within their care to reach their full potential. Reggio Emilia however, believes in continual assessment. This concept expects practitioners to record and review what children say and do on a regular basis. This system is viewed by parents at any point. Reggio Emilia values this system very highly and ensures parents know they are completing a reflective and extensive process that can help contribute to children’s learning.

Monday, January 13, 2020

An Informal Letter

Lot 6579, Gong Kepas Dalam Village, Alor Lintang,22200, Besut Terengganu,Malaysia. Dear Rowan Love, I'm so pleased to see your purple coloured letter in my mailbox this morning. (You put some raspberry shaped stickers on it! It smells great! ) So,you've been asking on how to take are of orphaned kittens right? Okay,this is based on my previous experience when I found a three week year old kitten in my school,I named her Gabby. (She is all grown up! ) Basically,you need KMR (Kitten Milk Replacer) or lactose free milk,a towel,tray,litter sand a syringe or cat milk bottle and wetfood. You may use dryfood but be sure to mix it with water if the kitten is below 2 months old. If the kitten shivers,wrap the kitten,not too tight or too loose and put it in your shirt as it cannot generate it's own heat. Next,feed the kitten with KMR and wetfood. Remember,never feed the kitten wiith cow milk or lactose containing drink because cats are lactose intolerant,If you insist,the kitten may suffering diarrhea which eventually leads to death. Second,create a kitten box,Just put a tray and litter sand and two layers of towels in a very big box or a medium-sized cage. Be sure to check the kitten's stool. It should'nt be too hard,too watery or with mucus. If it is consult to the veterinar immediately as the kitten may suffering a diarrhea. Okay,here's a few handy tips. If the kitten's medication is syrup,use a syringe to give t to the kitten. If it is in a pill form,crush it inside a plastic bag and mix it with wetfood. Do not force feed unless you need to. Alright,that's all for now,I hope that answers your doubt. Refer to the net if my information is not sufficient for you. From your BFF, Syakeera.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Poverty in the United States Essay - 1684 Words

Many reforms in the UnitedStates have been passed to help fight against the â€Å"War on Poverty†; but it has not been effective in eradicating poverty in the U.S. There are about 46 million people who are living in impoverished conditions and poverty continues to be a social issue in this country (Heritage Foundation, 2011) In the beginning, our country was formed under the belief that â€Å"this land is the land of opportunity and if we worked hard enough the American Dream can be gained† (Schwarz, 1997). People immigrate to this country today in hopes of becoming rich so they could gain a better life. In spite of coming to this country for a better life, many are faced with the lack of skills and money to succeed. In the end, most will end†¦show more content†¦However, this system of measuring poverty is flawed because if a family makes a dollar more above the set limit, they do not qualify for financial help from the government (NCCP, 2008).The poverty threshold is an inadequate measure of whether people are considered poor or not. Current poverty measures are flawed because it assumes how much a family spends and does not accurately include family resources such as Earned Income Tax Credit (NCCP, 2008). The way that the government measures poverty is based on outdated information that was set in the 60s. Because it has not been sufficient to keep up with the standard of living, those who are living in â€Å"high cost cities like New York and those who live in rural areas of the country† (NCCP, 2008) are barely getting by. In the U.S., the primary source of income comes from jobs. However, people are unable to find jobs because businesses are outsourcing unskilled labor to developing countries since workers there are willing to be paid less than the average American worker. This creates problems for people who are trying to look for jobs because many lack the skills to function in a job that requires skill and will remain jobless until they find unskilled labor jobs. Since the Recession, working class families who had lost their jobs are struggling to survive due to the little job availability (Heritage Foundation, 2011). Because the majority of working class families are suffering from prolongedShow MoreRelatedThe Poverty Of The United States1727 Words   |  7 PagesPoverty defined by the American Heritage Dictionary is â€Å"lack of the means of providing material needs or comforts† (Hirokazu Yoshikawa, 2012). Poverty in the United States is an issue that is often times overlooked beca use the focus of poverty is on developing and struggling countries. People often think America does not experience poverty because it is such a thriving country. The problem with this is that America is indeed struggling with poverty: â€Å"there are currently 488 counties in America whereRead MoreThe Poverty Of The United States1548 Words   |  7 Pagescitizens in poverty has risen. Several organizations have been set up to help those who suffer from poverty and provide their everyday needs. There are always ways where a community can help eliminate the amount of people suffering poverty. Government has an influence on how much money flow there is in the United States such as the FED, which was created to help maintain a stable monetary and financial system and control the money supply. People themselves can also help from falling into poverty, butRead MorePoverty Of The United States1408 Words   |  6 PagesWhen people hear the word poverty many people think of the bad co nnotations that come with it like, smelly homeless people that are crackheads and disease holders. Some people may even think they are uneducated or not hard working enough and rather ask for money instead of trying to get a job. Although a small portion of that may be true to some homeless people due to addictions on drugs and the toll it takes on their lives. The majority of homeless people are either veterans or immigrants, who findRead MorePoverty in the United States755 Words   |  4 PagesPoverty in the United States is getting in inferior quality every day and nothing is being done about it. Many people who want to help the poor, but no one knows exactly how to help them. A primary reason for people not taking action is because of lack of information that is provided about issues on poverty. Poverty is defined as the state of one who lacks a usual or socially acceptable amount of money or material possessions. According to the U.S. Census Bureau data released Tuesday Septem ber 13thRead MorePoverty Of The United States Essay1369 Words   |  6 PagesPoverty within the United States is defined as â€Å"having an income below a federally determined poverty threshold. † Poverty thresholds were developed by the United States government in the 60s. Over time these thresholds are adjusted to account for inflation; it is typical to adjust the poverty threshold levels annually. They represent the government’s estimate of the point below which a family has insufficient resources to meet their basic needs. Any family with less income than that establishedRead MoreThe Poverty Of The United States1531 Words   |  7 Pagessuch dialog, topics on the increasing and rather consistent levels of poverty in some regions in America are touched on as well. Poverty is defined as a condition where one’s basics needs for food, clothing, and shelter are not being met (What Is Poverty? â€Å"). From sea to shining sea, more than 15 percent of the Amer ican population live in poverty, a total of people over 46 million. Many who live in poverty within the United States live in areas that were once thriving from the country’s economic growthRead MoreThe Poverty Of The United States Essay1385 Words   |  6 Pages The Character of Poverty in America Poverty has always been a key factor in United States History. Ever sense Americas birth there have been groups affected by poverty, but the forms of the poverty that affected these groups have changed as well as the nature of poverty itself in the USA. The abolition of slavery, the forced assimilation of native Americans, and mass immigration changed character of poverty within the united states change due to an evolution from agriculture to industry and a changeRead MoreThe Poverty Of The United States1746 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is poverty? A question most Americans will not have to think twice before answering. Poverty is, of course, simply a lack of money. The views of a specific person will defer when politics or morals are introduced, however, the idea stays the same. Those in poverty are there because they have less money than what has been decided to be livable. Poverty has changed significantly over the last two hundred years in the United States, and yet, the measuremen t has hardly changed since it was createdRead MorePoverty in the United States1061 Words   |  5 PagesThe Background of Poverty in America In the United States, there are about more than forty-six million people living in impoverished conditions today. Poverty is a major conflict issue in this country amongst people who are part of the lower class because American families always had a hard time making ends meet, even before the Great Recession began. Living in poverty puts them at a disadvantage because they have to choose between necessitates like health care, child care, and food in order toRead MorePoverty Of The United States1475 Words   |  6 Pages â€Æ' Poverty in the United States is defined as a social problem. As outlined in the text, a social problem is â€Å"a condition that undermines the well-being of some or all members of a society and is usually a matter of public controversy†. It is easy to see that there is a large economic divide in the United States, but with only a small percentage of people in the highest income stratification and the vast majority struggling to get by, the majority of United States citizens agree that there is too